Zuletzt geändert 15.11.2012


In order to allow data exchange between applications over networks, the used data structures and their encoding have to be described in a platform independent way.
Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) offers both formal notation and encoding rules to meet these requirements. It is used in the scope of Car2X communication to guarantee data compatibility between different car manufacturers and roadside stations.


Usually a ASN.1 compiler transforms the ASN.1 syntax to source code (e.g. C) defining the data structures and specific encoding methods.
In this project, however, a generic ASN.1 encoder and decoder shall be realized in order to allow a more flexible way of using ASN.1 specifications.


Contact Address:

Dipl. Ing. Manuel Schiller; E-Mail: manuel.schiller@in.tum.de



Experience in C/C++ programming, interest in formal languages


Start date:
