Zuletzt geändert 27.02.2014


Existing system:

The Smart Energy Living Lab demonstrator installed at fortiss represents a self-balancing smart grid node, integrating regenerative energy production with an office space equipped with sensors and actuators.

The software solution, developed at fortiss, monitors and controls the devices - autonomously by an adaptable rule system and by user interaction via mobile apps. More information can be found at http://livinglab.fortiss.org



1)    Implementation of the backend system of a gamification framework for smart energy systems

2)    Connecting a Windows 8 application to the demonstrator

3)    Enhancement of the iOS 7 and/or Android App for the demonstrator (controlling, monitoring, notifying)

4)    Implementation of a new web framework for the demonstrator (based on GWT, REST)

5)    Overall demonstrator development: implementing new components, bug-fixing etc.

6)    Add and enhance web-services for connection to a distributed simulation environment



  • Java, SQL- and Eclipse-Knowledge, OSGi would be good, but it is not mandatory
  • Knowledge of Android, iPhone/iPad, Win8 programming (depends on the topic)
  • Some knowledge in web technologies
  • Have fun to work in a group



Dagmar Koss, email: koss (at) fortiss.org, Tel.: 089 / 3603522-26, www.fortiss.org

There might also be possibilities to do some of the work as bachelor thesis’s.

We are looking forward to your application!