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1. General information

Persons who are working at the Institut für Informatik or the Zentrum Mathematik for a limited time period and do not belong to the TUM as employees, students or lecturers are treated as guests or visitors with individual, variable periods of stay. Persons classed as guests or visitors are for example: guest professors, external doctorate students, scholarship students, honorary professors and employees of TUM contract-partners.

With the exception of some guest professors or guest researchers, these persons do not have a contract with the TU München in the sense of an employee or a service contract.

Detailed information on the possibilities for contractual employment of guest professors and researchers and the permitted fields of activity can be found in the general Guidelines for Guest professors.


2. Procedures for guests and visitors

When a guest or visitor is due to stay, the secretary of the chair or research unit to which the guest will be affiliated, or the supervisor of the guest, fills out a guest questionnaire (Englisch / deutsch). In this case two possible options are available:

Option A: Short visits / guest stays (max. 5 days)

In the case of short visits (max. 5 days) during which the guest does not need to use the infrastructure of the faculty (keys, telephone, computer etc.) it is not necessary to complete the second page of the guest questionnaire. A copy of the questionnaire can, if necessary, be forwarded to the Finance Department, Internet-Administrator etc. The signed original questionnaire is to be kept by the secretary / supervisor.

 Option B: Guest visits (over 5 days) and/or use of infrastructure

Should the guest need to use the infrastructure of the faculty (keys, telephone, computer, guest ID-card etc.)  or the duration of the stay is longer than 5 days, then we kindly request the completion of the second page of the guest questionnaire. The completed and signed original questionnaire is to be handed into Mrs. Woisetschläger in the Servicebüro Personal (SB-P). On the basis of the questionnaire, Frau Woisetschläger then prepares a “contract of usage” for the guest.


Issuing of a “Contract of usage” (Benutzervereinbarung)

For guests who have no contract with the TU München as listed above, it is necessary to issue a contract of usage for the duration of their stay. The contract of usage allows third party persons acting in accordance with the interests and legal duties of the TUM (Article 2 of the Bavarian Highschool Laws) to use the infrastructure of the institutions of the TUM for free.

Retired Professors who continue to work for the University without remuneration (e.g. continuation of participation in a project with third-party-funding) are recommended to apply for a “Ruhestandsvereinbarung” (Retired-Persons-Contract). In such cases, please contact the Servicebüro Person directly (Informatics: Herbert Ehler, Mathematics: Richard Wolf).

 Contact details for the Servicebüro Personal:

Mrs. Nicole Woisetschläger in the Servicebüro Personal, SB-P, is responsible for the processing and issuing of Contracts of Usage, guest keys, chip-cards and guest passes. Please contact Frau Woisetschläger at least 2 – 3 days prior to the arrival of your guest, in order to allow sufficient time for the preparation of the requested infrastructure.


3. Further Information


Guest keys are issued in person by Mrs. Woisetschläger (in case of absence: Mrs. Preuß) in the Servicebüro Personal (A Contract of Usage / Benutzervereinbarung is necessary!). All other requests for keys (e.g. for new employees) are dealt with by Mrs. Preuß.


A deposit of 50,- Euros for keys and 20,- Euros for Chipcards must be paid in cash to Frau Woisetschläger on issuance and is returned in cash on return of the keys (please arrange a time for the return).

Guest ID-cards:

If required, a guest ID-card (paper in credit-card format) can be issued. This is necessary should the guest require access to the faculty building on weekends or evenings and must be shown at the porters lodge.


All guests can be issued with a library card for use in the TUM libraries. To apply for a library card, a valid passport or ID-card must be presented to the library administration.

Conferral of membership rights:

In exceptional cases, the Dean of the Faculty can, on behalf of the University Presidium, confer membership status to scholarship students, guest professors and guest researchers for the duration of their stay in accordance with §19 or §21 GOTUM. In such a case, the issuing of a “Contract of Usage” is no longer necessary. For queries please contact the Servicebüro Person directly (Informatics: Herbert Ehler, Mathematics: Richard Wolf).



First entry: 22.11.2010 
Author: Herbert Ehler, Richard Wolf