We are constantly looking for motivated, talented students that are interested in our research to collaborate on student projects.

If you cannot find a suitable offer here, please submit a Project Application and we will get in touch with you if we have any matching offers.

Klinisches Anwendungsprojekt Angebote

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Elective Module: Clinical Application Projects

Current contact person for the clinical application project: Dr. Ulrich Eck.

Some available projects are published below, however we also accept requests for clinical projects that we evaluate and assign to to assist currently ongoing research projects from our teams and collaborators. 

Please check the available projects below and submit your requests directly on the Student Project Applications website (requires Login/Registration, select Clinical Project) including a CV and transcript, and a short motivation letter indicating previous experience, knowledge, and a selection of possible topics:

Project proposers (e.g. persons authorized to conduct examinations in a medical faculty) can send project proposals by email to Dr. Ulrich Eck.

Link to official Module Description: Studienplan für das Anwendungsfach Medizin

How does the clinical application project work:

  1. You need to find a supervisor / project from the CAMP chair or associated chairs (apply here)

  2. Your supervisor needs to collaborate with a medical expert, who is co-supervising your project. The medical expert needs to be authorized to take examinations.

  3. Once you have reached an agreement with your supervisor(s), your supervisor can then submit the “Anmeldungsformular” signed by yourself and your supervisor to our secretary Martina Hilla and the Info-Point
  4. You need to present your project idea through a Kick-Off Presentation at the CAMP Oberseminar (contact your CAMP supervisor, who will arrange a date for you)
  5. There is no defined time limit, working hours, presence requirements from TUM - you need to agree on these directly with your supervisor(s) from TUM
  6. Once the project work is done, you need to submit a written report to your supervisor(s) (requirements are defined by your supervisor(s))
  7. You will need to present the results of your project in the Oberseminar (contact your CAMP supervisor, who will arrange a date for you)
  8. Your supervisor(s) will then submit the grades for your project (practical work, documentation, presentation)